So going home for the holidays has it's ups and downs...
Plus: Living for free. I haven't paid for gas, food or anything else since I've been home. True if I moved back home this probably wouldn't be the case, but damn I'm loving it right now.
Minus: Too many people in the house. I'm used to peace and quiet. Watching whatever I want to on TV or blasting my stereo if I feel like it. Waking up when I want to and going to bed when I feel like it and not being bothered.
Plus: Home cooked meals...enough said
Minus: Having to work around other people's schedules. When you're in my momma's house, not only do you have to follow my momma's rules but you gotta do it on her schedule too. If she wants to go to the mall, we're all going to the mall. If she wants to go to bed, everybody better at least be quiet enough for her to go to bed. And when it's time for her to wake up in the morning, you get about an hour grace period before she gets bored and wants someone to talk you better wake the hell up. Did I mention my mom likes to wake up between 6 and 7am. Yeah...
Being home is cool though, but I probably get tired of this place in about a week or so. That's why I drove home, so that I could go back to LA whenever I feel like it. Right now I just gotta decide if I wanna be in LA or the Bay for New Years...any ideas?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
OK so there are a couple of reasons why I love living in LA. One of them is the opportunity to randomly attend events with lots of famous people for free. That happened last night when I got to attend the taping of Jaime Foxx's concert that he taped for NBC. It's coming on January 18th so check your local listings :O)
OK so about two weeks ago I was reading through a bunch of junk mail when I saw an email from a mailing list that I'm on for David E. Talbert. He's directed a lot of plays, my favorite being "The Fabric of a Man" which I've seen twice. Anyway, I normally delete his emails but the title caught my attention....Jaime Foxx Live. I opened the email to find a contest to win to tickets to view the taping of this TV special that David was directing for Jaime. At first I hesitated because I don't normally win sweepstakes type things. But then I realized that the first 40 people who answered his questions right would win.
Luckily the questions was based on my favorite play, The Fabric of a Man. And to make the situation even easier, the answer to the trivia question was on the soundtrack for the play that I bought the first time I saw it. So I found the CD, answered the question and then pretty much forgot about it. Then about a week ago I found out that I had won...YAY!
What I didn't know until me and the homie Bri got to the taping was that there would hundreds of other people outside trying to get in on the balconies to see the show. Thank god for being a contest winner! But the show was definitely worth waiting for, even though a lot of people didn't get in. I'm not gonna tell you everything that happened, but I will give you a rundown of the folks that showed up and performed with Jaime. How about Angie Stone, Common, The Game, Snoop, Mary J. and Stevie Wonder...yeah I said January 18th on NBC....write it down.
The show was off the hook. And then of course there were your random celebrities in the audience as well. Damian Hall was there and the DJ kept telling everyone that Aaron Hall was in the building, Damian was probably pissed. Tank was there and yes ladies he is fine as hell in person too. But he's kinda short so I prefer to continue watching him on TV. And what would an LA event be without your random B-list celebrities like MTV VJ Quddus (whom had worse seats than I did...thank god for contests) and former Real World cast member Karamo (Philadelphia).
But the show was a lot of fun and let's just say that we, black people, are a "colorful" people. There was a lot of down time during the show and there was a comedian and DJ to keep us entertained. The comedian kept bringing people on stage to sing or dance or coon (I classify "doing the Beyonce" as cooning...sorry). And some of the things that people left their house wearing is a major reason why I don't like LA.
The highlight...the girl with dreads looking like the missing member of "Da Band" getting called out by the comedian for her fashion sense. The problem is the comedian thought she was a dude....WHOOPS.
The lowlight...the big girl who decided to come on stage to "do the Beyonce" and completely embarass herself, followed by the 95 pound Latina jumping on stage while she's embarrasing herself and completely show her up. I mean it went from "Big Girls Gone Wild" to a Daddy Yankee video in .5 seconds. Look I'm all about big girls being cute, but her friends don't love her for a) letting come out the house in what she had on and b) embarrasing herself like that in front of hundreds of people including Jaime Foxx. Like Jerry Springer says...take care of yourself and each other.
But I will say that the performances were hot and Jaime Foxx's album is tight. I'm going to Best Buy on Tuesday to get his album and Mary J's new one. I suggest you do the same.

OK so about two weeks ago I was reading through a bunch of junk mail when I saw an email from a mailing list that I'm on for David E. Talbert. He's directed a lot of plays, my favorite being "The Fabric of a Man" which I've seen twice. Anyway, I normally delete his emails but the title caught my attention....Jaime Foxx Live. I opened the email to find a contest to win to tickets to view the taping of this TV special that David was directing for Jaime. At first I hesitated because I don't normally win sweepstakes type things. But then I realized that the first 40 people who answered his questions right would win.
Luckily the questions was based on my favorite play, The Fabric of a Man. And to make the situation even easier, the answer to the trivia question was on the soundtrack for the play that I bought the first time I saw it. So I found the CD, answered the question and then pretty much forgot about it. Then about a week ago I found out that I had won...YAY!
What I didn't know until me and the homie Bri got to the taping was that there would hundreds of other people outside trying to get in on the balconies to see the show. Thank god for being a contest winner! But the show was definitely worth waiting for, even though a lot of people didn't get in. I'm not gonna tell you everything that happened, but I will give you a rundown of the folks that showed up and performed with Jaime. How about Angie Stone, Common, The Game, Snoop, Mary J. and Stevie Wonder...yeah I said January 18th on NBC....write it down.
The show was off the hook. And then of course there were your random celebrities in the audience as well. Damian Hall was there and the DJ kept telling everyone that Aaron Hall was in the building, Damian was probably pissed. Tank was there and yes ladies he is fine as hell in person too. But he's kinda short so I prefer to continue watching him on TV. And what would an LA event be without your random B-list celebrities like MTV VJ Quddus (whom had worse seats than I did...thank god for contests) and former Real World cast member Karamo (Philadelphia).
But the show was a lot of fun and let's just say that we, black people, are a "colorful" people. There was a lot of down time during the show and there was a comedian and DJ to keep us entertained. The comedian kept bringing people on stage to sing or dance or coon (I classify "doing the Beyonce" as cooning...sorry). And some of the things that people left their house wearing is a major reason why I don't like LA.
The highlight...the girl with dreads looking like the missing member of "Da Band" getting called out by the comedian for her fashion sense. The problem is the comedian thought she was a dude....WHOOPS.
The lowlight...the big girl who decided to come on stage to "do the Beyonce" and completely embarass herself, followed by the 95 pound Latina jumping on stage while she's embarrasing herself and completely show her up. I mean it went from "Big Girls Gone Wild" to a Daddy Yankee video in .5 seconds. Look I'm all about big girls being cute, but her friends don't love her for a) letting come out the house in what she had on and b) embarrasing herself like that in front of hundreds of people including Jaime Foxx. Like Jerry Springer says...take care of yourself and each other.
But I will say that the performances were hot and Jaime Foxx's album is tight. I'm going to Best Buy on Tuesday to get his album and Mary J's new one. I suggest you do the same.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Crimmus Time Is Here!
OK OK so I'm kinda slow, but the holiday season doesn't officially start for me until the fall semester let the good times roll!!! I need to clean my apartment though before I go home for the holidays because I will be extremely irritated if I come back in January and see my place in it's current state. But I don't feel like it!!! OK I'm just whining but I think everyone has the right to do that sometimes.
What I really need to do is figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with myself for new years. I have plenty of options but none of them are very concrete. John Legend is gonna be at the House of Blues on New Years but I don't know if I feel like giving someone $125 to see John Legend and I don't know if I have the strength for Sunset on New Years. I would have planned a trip somewhere but I was planning on being in Pasadena on January 4th. Thanks to the stupid student bowl ticket lottery (boooo on them and everyone who got tickets) I'll be watching the Rose Bowl on TV. So I really don't know what to do with myself. If anybody has any good options, or knows of any good Rose Bowl parties goin down, holla @ ya gurl. But for now I'm gonna enjoy a couple of days of doing what I do best....NOT A DAMN THING!
Side Note: I've been listening the to the homie Elle B. on her website and on myspace for about 4 days straight...she's hot fire. I WILL be claiming homie status when she blows you heard it here first...Elle B. - HOT FIRE!!!
What I really need to do is figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with myself for new years. I have plenty of options but none of them are very concrete. John Legend is gonna be at the House of Blues on New Years but I don't know if I feel like giving someone $125 to see John Legend and I don't know if I have the strength for Sunset on New Years. I would have planned a trip somewhere but I was planning on being in Pasadena on January 4th. Thanks to the stupid student bowl ticket lottery (boooo on them and everyone who got tickets) I'll be watching the Rose Bowl on TV. So I really don't know what to do with myself. If anybody has any good options, or knows of any good Rose Bowl parties goin down, holla @ ya gurl. But for now I'm gonna enjoy a couple of days of doing what I do best....NOT A DAMN THING!
Side Note: I've been listening the to the homie Elle B. on her website and on myspace for about 4 days straight...she's hot fire. I WILL be claiming homie status when she blows you heard it here first...Elle B. - HOT FIRE!!!
Top 10 Perks of Winning the Heisman Trophy
In celebration of one of the greatest Heisman races ever (OK I'm biased, but I have a right to be) I present to you the "Top 10 Perks of Winning the Heisman Trophy" as presented by Reggie Bush on David Letterman last night. Yes he was on Letterman, the boy is blowin up. But I need his @$$ in LA ASAP...time to get back to practice.
Top Ten Perks Of Winning The Heisman Trophy10. "Trophy can be used as ID at airports"
9. "Now when coach gives me pointers, I can say, 'And how many Heismans have you won?'"
8. "Lifetime supply of pigskin"
7. "Microchip in the trophy gets me through E-Z Pass"
6. "The trophy holds 10,000 songs"
5. "Now maybe someone on the team'll get a date besides pretty boy Matt Leinart"
4. "Steinbrenner's trying to get me to sign with the Yankees"
3. "I now have the world's most valuable paperweight"
2. "Secret code for 'Madden NFL 2006' video game that lets me see John Madden naked"
1. "You're the only Bush with an approval rating over 40%"
Top Ten Perks Of Winning The Heisman Trophy
9. "Now when coach gives me pointers, I can say, 'And how many Heismans have you won?'"
8. "Lifetime supply of pigskin"
7. "Microchip in the trophy gets me through E-Z Pass"
6. "The trophy holds 10,000 songs"
5. "Now maybe someone on the team'll get a date besides pretty boy Matt Leinart"
4. "Steinbrenner's trying to get me to sign with the Yankees"
3. "I now have the world's most valuable paperweight"
2. "Secret code for 'Madden NFL 2006' video game that lets me see John Madden naked"
1. "You're the only Bush with an approval rating over 40%"

Monday, November 21, 2005
Get This Man His Trophy…
OK this isn’t like my usual post and if you don’t follow college football you might as well stop reading now cuz you’re just going to be bored. But I have to talk about this right now as I read This weekend was one of the most stressful weekends for USC Trojan fans since…well…October 15th. But besides the Notre Dame game, no game was more nerve racking then the win we just notched against Fresno State. It was such a great atmosphere. All of our home games this season had been pretty boring. The teams came in almost knowing they were gonna lose. There were almost no fans from the other schools, and the ones that did manage to show up looked like they were all there just to come to LA and hit up the club. This was the first time we actually had a legitimate reason to stay for the entire game. We were jumping and screaming and cheering like we were at a bowl game (it really felt like that). Even though the team may not have been looking ahead to the UCLA game, the fans definitely were and I think we were shocked by what we saw when Fresno State got there. They must have brought 20,000 fans with them and each and every one of them truly believed that their team was going to win. At first we thought it was a cute thought and figured they were just all so excited to be out of Fresno and in LA. But we found out quickly that this would be one of USC’s hardest fought wins all season. And that win would definitely not have happened without a certain member of the USC football team that wears the number 5.
Look, every Trojan fan has their favorites, but there is NO ONE who saw the game on Saturday who can look you straight in the face and say that Reggie Bush is anything short of amazing. Every time he touched the ball he looked like he was about to score a touchdown. On one play I swear he stopped right before going out of bounds in mid air, reversed directions, broke the ankles of about 3 Fresno State players and broke off in the other direction, finally scoring a touchdown on the other side of the field. The man had so many great plays that they even showed one of them during the game from the GOODYEAR BLIMP flying overhead!!!
The messed up part of the situation was that the game didn’t end until after 11pm west coast time, meaning most of the country was asleep during what had to be the best game of Reggie’s career. He rushed for 294 yards. There are players on the team who haven’t rushed for 294 yards this season. He had 513 all-purpose yards. You could probably add about another 200 yards to his total if you could count yards running east to west. And the best part of it all? Maurice Drew, UCLA’s supposed answer to Reggie Bush was at the game to witness why he will never be as good as #5. I hope he got an eyeful of why they will lose when he returns to the Coliseum in two weeks with his teammates.
Anybody who saw this game and what Reggie did will not hesitate voting for Reggie Bush for the Heisman. I know Vince Young is an amazing quarterback and I love Matt Leinart to death, but that award is about the best player in college football…period. And it is obvious to all 90,0007 people who were in the Coliseum on Saturday that the best player is definitely Reggie Bush.
But while we’re talking about the game, can we give some props to Fresno State? People are sleeping on them for real. If they hadn’t lost to Oregon, they almost definitely should have gotten a BCS bowl game. They are better than almost any team we’ve played since I’ve been at USC, including this year’s Notre Dame. They are way better than UCLA this year and would lay the smack down on the Bruins’ wack ass defense (sort of like what we’re going to do to them Dec. 3rd). They are underrated and should be in the Top 10. They’d be no lower than third in the Pac-10. Can we trade them for the Washington schools so that the Pac-10 gets more credibility? They had us worried y’all. And they had so much support from their fans it was ridiculous. I’ve got nothing but respect for that team and I hope they smack down whoever they play in whatever bowl game they get.
Look, every Trojan fan has their favorites, but there is NO ONE who saw the game on Saturday who can look you straight in the face and say that Reggie Bush is anything short of amazing. Every time he touched the ball he looked like he was about to score a touchdown. On one play I swear he stopped right before going out of bounds in mid air, reversed directions, broke the ankles of about 3 Fresno State players and broke off in the other direction, finally scoring a touchdown on the other side of the field. The man had so many great plays that they even showed one of them during the game from the GOODYEAR BLIMP flying overhead!!!
The messed up part of the situation was that the game didn’t end until after 11pm west coast time, meaning most of the country was asleep during what had to be the best game of Reggie’s career. He rushed for 294 yards. There are players on the team who haven’t rushed for 294 yards this season. He had 513 all-purpose yards. You could probably add about another 200 yards to his total if you could count yards running east to west. And the best part of it all? Maurice Drew, UCLA’s supposed answer to Reggie Bush was at the game to witness why he will never be as good as #5. I hope he got an eyeful of why they will lose when he returns to the Coliseum in two weeks with his teammates.
Anybody who saw this game and what Reggie did will not hesitate voting for Reggie Bush for the Heisman. I know Vince Young is an amazing quarterback and I love Matt Leinart to death, but that award is about the best player in college football…period. And it is obvious to all 90,0007 people who were in the Coliseum on Saturday that the best player is definitely Reggie Bush.
But while we’re talking about the game, can we give some props to Fresno State? People are sleeping on them for real. If they hadn’t lost to Oregon, they almost definitely should have gotten a BCS bowl game. They are better than almost any team we’ve played since I’ve been at USC, including this year’s Notre Dame. They are way better than UCLA this year and would lay the smack down on the Bruins’ wack ass defense (sort of like what we’re going to do to them Dec. 3rd). They are underrated and should be in the Top 10. They’d be no lower than third in the Pac-10. Can we trade them for the Washington schools so that the Pac-10 gets more credibility? They had us worried y’all. And they had so much support from their fans it was ridiculous. I’ve got nothing but respect for that team and I hope they smack down whoever they play in whatever bowl game they get.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
We Got ESPN!!!
I'm extra excited because I'm sitting in our CED (Center for Engineering Diversity) study center (where I am usually every day all day) and I look over at the high priced, unnecessary flat screen TV they put in here and ESPN IS ON! You have no idea how happy I am right now. For the last 4 months we've been watching CNN and the History Channel. I'm all for education and stuff but I get to watch BASKETBALL!!!! YAY!!!!
I'm about as happy as Duke is right now cuz they just beat Seton Hall 93-40. I think they should have hung 100 on 'em but I guess they were being nice. The game was over after about 2 minutes. When you're down 30-5 then you should go home and call it a night. I love college basketball, I wish USC was better but I guess I'll just have to get by with a National Championship football team :O)
Which reminds me that I need Reggie Bush to have at least 3 highlight reel plays in each of the next two games so that everyone else can be reminded of how tight he is and he can win the Heisman. I don't care what you say, he's the best damn player in college football. The Heisman trophy is supposed to go to the BEST player in college football, not the most valuable. So Vince Young can go sit down somewhere.
And how about those Clippers and Warriors? Everyone in Cali is just excited to see these teams winning games. At least I know that I am. And the Warriors are better than the Kings right great is that?!?! Finally the Bay Area basketball fan gets to cheer on the Bay Area team to victory. You guys can get off of the Kings bandwagon now...they suck and no one really likes Sacramento anyways. You were all just sick of watching the Warriors lose, I understand, but it's over now....thank god!
OK enough random sports thoughts for the day....Sportscenter is on! :O)
I'm about as happy as Duke is right now cuz they just beat Seton Hall 93-40. I think they should have hung 100 on 'em but I guess they were being nice. The game was over after about 2 minutes. When you're down 30-5 then you should go home and call it a night. I love college basketball, I wish USC was better but I guess I'll just have to get by with a National Championship football team :O)
Which reminds me that I need Reggie Bush to have at least 3 highlight reel plays in each of the next two games so that everyone else can be reminded of how tight he is and he can win the Heisman. I don't care what you say, he's the best damn player in college football. The Heisman trophy is supposed to go to the BEST player in college football, not the most valuable. So Vince Young can go sit down somewhere.
And how about those Clippers and Warriors? Everyone in Cali is just excited to see these teams winning games. At least I know that I am. And the Warriors are better than the Kings right great is that?!?! Finally the Bay Area basketball fan gets to cheer on the Bay Area team to victory. You guys can get off of the Kings bandwagon now...they suck and no one really likes Sacramento anyways. You were all just sick of watching the Warriors lose, I understand, but it's over now....thank god!
OK enough random sports thoughts for the day....Sportscenter is on! :O)
Monday, November 14, 2005
Congratulations & Reflections
So like my friend Dizzy25, I too learned a couple of things in my recent NSBE conference experience last weekend. Thank god I didn't have to travel anywhere but down the 110 and over the 105 to get to my conference at the Westin LAX this weekend. After a much more relaxing conference experience than the previous two, I come away with a couple of thoughts and questions:
I'm not officially a NSBE old head, but damn am I close. There were plenty of people in the region that I knew, but there are so many new people that I don't. And you know that feeling when you just FEEL older than everyone else? The only thing is that when I'm with the alumni members, I don't feel old enough to really fit in there. I'm not gonna lie, I was much more comfortable at the collegiate party than the alumni networking mixer. I guess it's just as I suspected....I'm still a kid at heart. I'm an 18 year-old trapped in a 65 year old body (damn arthritis is acting up again).
Why is that no matter how hard I work during any given year in NSBE, it always seem to come out better the next year. Kim has come up with a theory about this. She says that it's because usually the year that I hold a position I'm cleaning up messes from years before and so the person who comes after me has it easier than I did. While that makes me sound great, I don't know if I agree with that. But I still don't know what it is.
It was just really strange to me all weekend how calm and collected and put together everything was this weekend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating. I'm actually glad this FRC went well and so many people had a great time at the conference, because I was beginning to lose hope. But things that always makes you wonder, what could you have done better to make what you did better? How much of it was things that I could have controlled and how much of it was based on the contributions (or lack thereof) of the people around you. Maybe I'm just being overcritical of myself right now, but I couldn't help shaking the feeling all was really strange.
But besides that it felt really good to sort of be able to participate in the conference. I had a workshop to give, I judged a competition and I did one presentation at general session, but this pales in comparison to the things I had endured as Regional Vice Chair and Regional Chair. I think the best thing about the conference though was seeing the people from USC enjoy themselves so much and get inspired by what was going on. I mean that's really what these conferences are for. The excitement that our new members are showing for NSBE reminds me of how I was after my first NSBE conference and that makes me really happy. Hopefully there will be some renewed enthusiasm here now. We'll just have to wait and find out...
I'm not officially a NSBE old head, but damn am I close. There were plenty of people in the region that I knew, but there are so many new people that I don't. And you know that feeling when you just FEEL older than everyone else? The only thing is that when I'm with the alumni members, I don't feel old enough to really fit in there. I'm not gonna lie, I was much more comfortable at the collegiate party than the alumni networking mixer. I guess it's just as I suspected....I'm still a kid at heart. I'm an 18 year-old trapped in a 65 year old body (damn arthritis is acting up again).
Why is that no matter how hard I work during any given year in NSBE, it always seem to come out better the next year. Kim has come up with a theory about this. She says that it's because usually the year that I hold a position I'm cleaning up messes from years before and so the person who comes after me has it easier than I did. While that makes me sound great, I don't know if I agree with that. But I still don't know what it is.
It was just really strange to me all weekend how calm and collected and put together everything was this weekend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating. I'm actually glad this FRC went well and so many people had a great time at the conference, because I was beginning to lose hope. But things that always makes you wonder, what could you have done better to make what you did better? How much of it was things that I could have controlled and how much of it was based on the contributions (or lack thereof) of the people around you. Maybe I'm just being overcritical of myself right now, but I couldn't help shaking the feeling all was really strange.
But besides that it felt really good to sort of be able to participate in the conference. I had a workshop to give, I judged a competition and I did one presentation at general session, but this pales in comparison to the things I had endured as Regional Vice Chair and Regional Chair. I think the best thing about the conference though was seeing the people from USC enjoy themselves so much and get inspired by what was going on. I mean that's really what these conferences are for. The excitement that our new members are showing for NSBE reminds me of how I was after my first NSBE conference and that makes me really happy. Hopefully there will be some renewed enthusiasm here now. We'll just have to wait and find out...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Why Do You Have Time...
Ok so today I spent WAY too much time reading everyone else's blogs (hours of fun in Dizzy's place) and then decided to write something in my blog. And I thought about it, why does everyone else have so much time to write in their blogs and I don't? Why is it that other people can find time almost every day to write down all of these thoughts? Then I thought about it...these people aren't in engineering school!
Which is exactly why I'm trying to get out! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Really I can. The problem is that everytime I see the light and get close enough to touch it, it moves farther away. So I've decided that regardless of what happens between now and May, I'm leaving in May. I don't care. I refuse to stay here any longer. I've OFFICIALLY been at USC too long. Need you go...
You know you've been at USC too long when:
1. People that came to USC after you now are trying to recruit you at the Career Fair
2. People say things like "Syreeta you can't leave....what would USC be without Syreeta?" (I'm flattered really, but you get the idea)
3. You've been at USC longer than Pete Carroll and probably most of the USC Football coaching staff
4. You remember the last time USC lost to UCLA in football...and you were there
5. There are about 10 buildings on campus that were not here when you got here
6. The freshman were in elementary school when you first got to USC
I could go on and on but I'm just depressing myself. Then people say things like "but you're gonna have two degrees when you leave". That doesn't change the feeling that I'm never gonna leave this place and after all these years of pain suffering I'm gonna end up working at Best Buy (don't trip they get good discounts and I could play with electronics all day).
OK OK OK enough with that subject. You just gotta get that out sometimes you know. But on the bright side I've discovered a viable way to get my degree without ever taking another electrical engineering class. I've dropped the EE class I'm taking right now (didn't need, don't know what I was thinking) and I will just finish my computer science class (that doesn't involve programming...go figure). This is my schedule for next semester...
Business Entrepreneurship 551 - Intro to New Ventures
Law 599 - Intellectual Property for Engineers & Scientists
Industrial Engineering 585 - Strategic Mgmt of Technology
These are big fancy names for classes that I only have to go to once a week, read some books and write a paper for or do a group project in. Finally the life of a non-engineering major! I'm excited, plus now I can figure out if I like taking Business or Law classes so when I get tired of being an engineer (which I estimate will happen before 2009) I have some background on whether Business or Law school is for me. An MBA or JD sounds nice =0)
OK now I've talked for way too long when I'm supposed to be watching my lecture from yesterday that I was too lazy to go.
Which is exactly why I'm trying to get out! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Really I can. The problem is that everytime I see the light and get close enough to touch it, it moves farther away. So I've decided that regardless of what happens between now and May, I'm leaving in May. I don't care. I refuse to stay here any longer. I've OFFICIALLY been at USC too long. Need you go...
You know you've been at USC too long when:
1. People that came to USC after you now are trying to recruit you at the Career Fair
2. People say things like "Syreeta you can't leave....what would USC be without Syreeta?" (I'm flattered really, but you get the idea)
3. You've been at USC longer than Pete Carroll and probably most of the USC Football coaching staff
4. You remember the last time USC lost to UCLA in football...and you were there
5. There are about 10 buildings on campus that were not here when you got here
6. The freshman were in elementary school when you first got to USC
I could go on and on but I'm just depressing myself. Then people say things like "but you're gonna have two degrees when you leave". That doesn't change the feeling that I'm never gonna leave this place and after all these years of pain suffering I'm gonna end up working at Best Buy (don't trip they get good discounts and I could play with electronics all day).
OK OK OK enough with that subject. You just gotta get that out sometimes you know. But on the bright side I've discovered a viable way to get my degree without ever taking another electrical engineering class. I've dropped the EE class I'm taking right now (didn't need, don't know what I was thinking) and I will just finish my computer science class (that doesn't involve programming...go figure). This is my schedule for next semester...
Business Entrepreneurship 551 - Intro to New Ventures
Law 599 - Intellectual Property for Engineers & Scientists
Industrial Engineering 585 - Strategic Mgmt of Technology
These are big fancy names for classes that I only have to go to once a week, read some books and write a paper for or do a group project in. Finally the life of a non-engineering major! I'm excited, plus now I can figure out if I like taking Business or Law classes so when I get tired of being an engineer (which I estimate will happen before 2009) I have some background on whether Business or Law school is for me. An MBA or JD sounds nice =0)
OK now I've talked for way too long when I'm supposed to be watching my lecture from yesterday that I was too lazy to go.
Monday, October 31, 2005
My Hands Hurt...and Yet I'm Typing
My hands really hurt today...and my wrists...both of them. And yet I'm sitting here writing a blog for the first time in almost a month. Yes I know I'm strange, but you all knew that anyway, now didn't you. If you're wondering why my hands hurt then you probably haven't seen me in a while or just never realized that I have rheumatoid arthritis. Yes yes and the ripe old age of 25 I have routine appointments sitting in the lobby of my rheumatologist's office with all of the other 60 year olds. Then I sit in my favorite reclining chairs and get my 3 hour medication treatment given through an IV. Yes it's that serious. And let's not even get on the variety of other medicines that I have to take on a daily basis. I take more medicine than my mom and dad combined. But for the past 3-4 days I've been bad...not taking my medicine. Which is why my hands hurt right I guess I really have no business complaining. But the ish still hurts.
OK enough whining. Well actually more whining, just different subject. Have I ever told you how much I hate Halloween. This day is such a waste...just a speed bump to the holiday season. November 1st is one of the most glorious days of the year, signifying the beginning of the "holiday season", two of the greatest months of the year. When else do you get Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's not to mention the end of a semester! The only thing that's sad about this holiday season is that it'll be my last one with "Christmas Vacation". I promise you this time next year I will not be worried about homework and exams. Which reminds me...I should probably be watching my lecture from this morning. It was a 8:30am...I almost made it but who wants to when I can just watch it on the Internet?
OK enough whining. Well actually more whining, just different subject. Have I ever told you how much I hate Halloween. This day is such a waste...just a speed bump to the holiday season. November 1st is one of the most glorious days of the year, signifying the beginning of the "holiday season", two of the greatest months of the year. When else do you get Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's not to mention the end of a semester! The only thing that's sad about this holiday season is that it'll be my last one with "Christmas Vacation". I promise you this time next year I will not be worried about homework and exams. Which reminds me...I should probably be watching my lecture from this morning. It was a 8:30am...I almost made it but who wants to when I can just watch it on the Internet?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Just Gotta Make It
OK so I know it's been awhile since I've blogged but I've been tryna to get focused man. I've been reading everyone else's blogs and I almost posted like 3 times but didn't have the strength. But right now I just gotta get some of this out.
Have you ever been trying to change so many things in your life at once that you just overwhelm yourself and give up on it all? I almost did that about 4 times in the past 2 months. The first goal is to re-focus on this engineering thing. I've gotta get outta school, I don't think I'll be able to take this much longer. I've realized that I'm extra distracted by stuff now because I don't have a good enough foundation in the basics of my major. So by the time I figure out what's going on in class, everyone else is already 3 subjects ahead....or at least it feels that way. So I'm rededicating myself this time around to not only learning the stuff for my current classes but to go back and re-teach myself the stuff I missed when I wasn't going to class earlier in life. Wish me luck...
Also I've decided that I can't pull my GPA up cuz I'm taking too many classes at the same time. So unfortunately I'm taking fewer classes at one time which means...I'm gonna be here longer (booooo). I'm taking two classes this semester and probably two next semester. And in May 2006 if I don't have a 3.0 I'm just gonna leave, cuz it's obviously not meant to be.
In addition to all of my academic pursuits I've decided that I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've started trying to eat a hell of a lot better which would be easy if I ever had time to cook for myself. Why don't I have time? See the above paragraphs if you've forgotten already. I've also discovered that the reason I don't workout consistently at the gym on campus because it's FREE. I have no obligation to go. So I've obligated myself by paying to join 24 Hour Fitness. I have a session with my personal trainer today =0).
All this change has come right around my 25th birthday (damn I'm old). I feel like I haven't really been living life fully, and that I need to get these things in order first so that I can move forward. Right now I feel extremely stagnant.
One thing is for sure though. I've got way more determination right now than I've had in a long time. Like the homie Trey Songz said "I just gotta make it..." (Oh yeah, you gotta pick up that Trey Songz's FIRE!)
Have you ever been trying to change so many things in your life at once that you just overwhelm yourself and give up on it all? I almost did that about 4 times in the past 2 months. The first goal is to re-focus on this engineering thing. I've gotta get outta school, I don't think I'll be able to take this much longer. I've realized that I'm extra distracted by stuff now because I don't have a good enough foundation in the basics of my major. So by the time I figure out what's going on in class, everyone else is already 3 subjects ahead....or at least it feels that way. So I'm rededicating myself this time around to not only learning the stuff for my current classes but to go back and re-teach myself the stuff I missed when I wasn't going to class earlier in life. Wish me luck...
Also I've decided that I can't pull my GPA up cuz I'm taking too many classes at the same time. So unfortunately I'm taking fewer classes at one time which means...I'm gonna be here longer (booooo). I'm taking two classes this semester and probably two next semester. And in May 2006 if I don't have a 3.0 I'm just gonna leave, cuz it's obviously not meant to be.
In addition to all of my academic pursuits I've decided that I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've started trying to eat a hell of a lot better which would be easy if I ever had time to cook for myself. Why don't I have time? See the above paragraphs if you've forgotten already. I've also discovered that the reason I don't workout consistently at the gym on campus because it's FREE. I have no obligation to go. So I've obligated myself by paying to join 24 Hour Fitness. I have a session with my personal trainer today =0).
All this change has come right around my 25th birthday (damn I'm old). I feel like I haven't really been living life fully, and that I need to get these things in order first so that I can move forward. Right now I feel extremely stagnant.
One thing is for sure though. I've got way more determination right now than I've had in a long time. Like the homie Trey Songz said "I just gotta make it..." (Oh yeah, you gotta pick up that Trey Songz's FIRE!)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I don't know how I get myself into these messes. So this week is EXTRA ridiculous and it's only Tuesday! I don't know what possessed me to try and teach Calculus to the summer bridge kids, but that's exactly what I'm doing. I've only gotten through one day and I'm exhausted already. Plus I'm an RA. I've been with these kids almost all day for 2 days and I'm already ridiculously tired. But they're really cool so I guess I'll get over it. Is it Friday yet?
Not to mention I'm still taking my summer school class and I was fighting sleep SO much today in class. It's not even that it was boring or I didn't understand what was going on. I was really interested in class, I just couldn't stay awake. I hope the professor didn't see me dozing too much.
Here's what my schedule for today looked like:
6am Wake up
7am Breakfast
8-10am Calculus Group 1
10am-12pm Calculus Group 2
2-3:30pm Materials Science Class
4-5pm Work
5-6pm Dinner
6-8pm Summer Bridge Study Session
8pm-Whenever Prepare tomorrow's Calculus Lecture
I'm tired just thinking about all the crap I did today. Hopefully it will get easier. I hope I'm actually teaching these kids something. I feel like a big bumbling idiot in front of them and after 4 hours of straight lecturing I was exhausted.
Not to mention I'm still taking my summer school class and I was fighting sleep SO much today in class. It's not even that it was boring or I didn't understand what was going on. I was really interested in class, I just couldn't stay awake. I hope the professor didn't see me dozing too much.
Here's what my schedule for today looked like:
6am Wake up
7am Breakfast
8-10am Calculus Group 1
10am-12pm Calculus Group 2
2-3:30pm Materials Science Class
4-5pm Work
5-6pm Dinner
6-8pm Summer Bridge Study Session
8pm-Whenever Prepare tomorrow's Calculus Lecture
I'm tired just thinking about all the crap I did today. Hopefully it will get easier. I hope I'm actually teaching these kids something. I feel like a big bumbling idiot in front of them and after 4 hours of straight lecturing I was exhausted.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Cleaning House
So last weekend I decided that I should clean my apartment because it looked pretty bad. I spent most of Saturday and half of Sunday cleaning. So what's the problem? Well it doesn't really look that much better.
See everytime I start cleaning up I realize that my apartment is a lot worse than it looks. I start cleaning closets, throwing away stuff I don't want and organizing spaces that you really can't see. The end result? I have 3 pretty clean closests, I've given away 5 bags of clothes that I would have never worn again to the goodwill, and my apartment still looks like hot garbage.
OK ok it does look a little better than it did before, but I've come discover my main problem....paper. There are stacks of papers everywhere that I honestly need to file, sort through and keep mostly. And I never have the strength to do that. I've vacuumed, dusted, washed clothes, cooked food and cleaned toilets but I can't bring myself to go through all these papers. It's probably because most of it is school work from the past semester and I probably don't want to relive the horror that was the Spring 2005 semester. It was so promising...and then April came. But I digress....
I wish I could pay someone to come do this for me...damn I'm lazy. Maybe I'll get enough strength this weekend to do this. I think part of my problem is that I wait until night time to do this stuff and well I never have enough energy for that. Maybe I should try actually being productive during the daytime. What a novel idea!
See everytime I start cleaning up I realize that my apartment is a lot worse than it looks. I start cleaning closets, throwing away stuff I don't want and organizing spaces that you really can't see. The end result? I have 3 pretty clean closests, I've given away 5 bags of clothes that I would have never worn again to the goodwill, and my apartment still looks like hot garbage.
OK ok it does look a little better than it did before, but I've come discover my main problem....paper. There are stacks of papers everywhere that I honestly need to file, sort through and keep mostly. And I never have the strength to do that. I've vacuumed, dusted, washed clothes, cooked food and cleaned toilets but I can't bring myself to go through all these papers. It's probably because most of it is school work from the past semester and I probably don't want to relive the horror that was the Spring 2005 semester. It was so promising...and then April came. But I digress....
I wish I could pay someone to come do this for me...damn I'm lazy. Maybe I'll get enough strength this weekend to do this. I think part of my problem is that I wait until night time to do this stuff and well I never have enough energy for that. Maybe I should try actually being productive during the daytime. What a novel idea!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Hump Day
Connect the dots....LA LA LA....connect the dots....LA LA LA
Ok if you didn't grow up watching Pee Wee Herman, then you don't know what I'm talking about. But it's Wednesday and I'm at work spinning around in my chair, bored out of my mind, singing songs from 80s television.....BOOOOOO!
I feel like I've been to work for weeks with no break. In reality it's only been 2 days. This is what happens when you are completely useless at work. I mean they've given me literally 2 tasks to do in the past 2 months. What do I do in the meantime?
Check work....check email.....NSBE work.....check games..... check email.... BLOG..... check email....
The funny part is during the school year, almost every time I check my email, there's something new in there. Now thanks to summer vacation and my new lessened NSBE responsibilities I get like 10 emails a day....versus like 50. And most of my email now doesn't require a response. I just read it, say that's cool and then move on.
Bottom line..... I'M BORED OUT OF MIND! I don't know how much longer I can take this. Especially because in about a week, the workforce at my job is about to get cut in half. Yeah a lot of folks at my job who get real salaries (as opposed to my stipend and a graduate assistant) got laid off. Their final day? May 31st. Almost EVERYONE that i talk to on a consistent basis at work is about to be gone....then I'm really screwed. I have no idea what I'm going to do this summer.
I always try to look busy at work, but I'm thinking that I'm just gonna start taking books with me to work and reading. I mean really I've been waiting to read for fun for a while now. And I normally get to do that over the summer, so why not?
Is it lunchtime yet?
Ok if you didn't grow up watching Pee Wee Herman, then you don't know what I'm talking about. But it's Wednesday and I'm at work spinning around in my chair, bored out of my mind, singing songs from 80s television.....BOOOOOO!
I feel like I've been to work for weeks with no break. In reality it's only been 2 days. This is what happens when you are completely useless at work. I mean they've given me literally 2 tasks to do in the past 2 months. What do I do in the meantime?
Check work....check email.....NSBE work.....check games..... check email.... BLOG..... check email....
The funny part is during the school year, almost every time I check my email, there's something new in there. Now thanks to summer vacation and my new lessened NSBE responsibilities I get like 10 emails a day....versus like 50. And most of my email now doesn't require a response. I just read it, say that's cool and then move on.
Bottom line..... I'M BORED OUT OF MIND! I don't know how much longer I can take this. Especially because in about a week, the workforce at my job is about to get cut in half. Yeah a lot of folks at my job who get real salaries (as opposed to my stipend and a graduate assistant) got laid off. Their final day? May 31st. Almost EVERYONE that i talk to on a consistent basis at work is about to be gone....then I'm really screwed. I have no idea what I'm going to do this summer.
I always try to look busy at work, but I'm thinking that I'm just gonna start taking books with me to work and reading. I mean really I've been waiting to read for fun for a while now. And I normally get to do that over the summer, so why not?
Is it lunchtime yet?
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Part 2....Not So Big....
OK I have more to say even though it's extra late at night and I have to get up extra early. I've decided that I no longer wish to be the fat girl. But I must find some way to motivate myself to shed all of this outer unhealthyness to reveal the person that I am on the inside. This will involve learning how to cook better for myself, and actually coming up with the strength to do it on a consistent basis. I'm not really excited about going to the gym though, so I'm gonna need to find some better ways to get some excercise. The Lyon Center just isn't appealing right now, although the fact that the droves of skinny sorority girls are gone for the summer makes it slightly bearable. I'm thinking that I'm gonna go buy a Dance Pad and Dance Dance Revolution for my X-Box. Hey they have a workout mode in the game and I can upload my own soundtrack to the hard drive. DDR to the Ying Yang Twins....hmmmmmm.......
Not So Free...
So the verdict is in...the grades have been posted and Syreeta will be spending another semester at USC. ARGH!!!! Oh well....I enjoyed thinking that I was finished while it lasted, and graduation was fun. Now I'm registering for classes for what will be my 15th consecutive semester at USC. Damn Master's degrees....I don't even want it anymore, I just want to live life. But it's too damn late for all that and I can't quit now. Why can't they just give me my paper so I can leave. They don't really want me there anymore and I don't want to be there anymore. Why can't they just send me on my way so I can go make a whole bunch of money? I promise to donate some of it back to the school. Wouldn't that make them happy? GIVE US US FREE!!!
On another note I've noticed that all my damn posts revolve around school. So I've decided to add some of the happiness of my life to this post. Kim and I are going to see Brian McKnight & New Edition on Friday...YAY! I wanna see how far back New Edition is gonna go with the song list. I wonder if Ralph can still hit those high notes, he was like 13 when they recorded some of those songs. I'm in need of some kick it time, so hopefully this will do the trick.
On another note I've noticed that all my damn posts revolve around school. So I've decided to add some of the happiness of my life to this post. Kim and I are going to see Brian McKnight & New Edition on Friday...YAY! I wanna see how far back New Edition is gonna go with the song list. I wonder if Ralph can still hit those high notes, he was like 13 when they recorded some of those songs. I'm in need of some kick it time, so hopefully this will do the trick.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Free at last?
So I'm finished with finals....finally. And I should probably be really happy and excited and stuff.... but I'm not really. Maybe it's because all of my procrastinating and my new fascination with this blogging thing has caused me to not do very well on my finals. I left my test last night ready to cry. Which can only mean one thing...there is a very high chance that I'll be back at USC in the fall for my 15th semester. Yeah yeah I know, I'm getting a second degree, but dammit I'm so ready for this to end. I'm not looking forward to summer school and I'm not gonna be happy if I have to come back in the fall. Why can't they just give me A's so I can on life right now.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
SChool....Is it over yet?
Will this never end?!?!?! I've been in college since the last millenium...can I leave now? I swear this mess will never end. I'm already irritated that I have to take another class over the summer and depending on how I do on my final tomorrow I may have to stay longer than that. The problem? I don't feel like doing this at all and despite the fact that I have two finals left, my brain is already at graduation, waving and kissing the babies. WTF. And of course I pick the day before my finals to decide that I want to start blogging. Anything to avoid studying for my tests. I'm really over this whole college thing and I need it to be over....NOW!!!!
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