Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Told You To Go Sit Down...

So I have proof that OJ is an idiot. You can recall from my previous post about him, that he sought to publish a book about how he "might have" killed Ron Goldman & Nicole Brown. The book and TV interview were cancelled. No harm done right? Wrong.

So OJ is now being sued by Ron Goldman's father for the money that OJ made in an advance for the book. He's asking for $1M. OJ still hasn't paid the $30M from the civil suit where he was found liable for the murders.

I'm not usually one to say I told you so, but...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Why not Obama?

So I was reading an article about Barack Obama running for President in 2008 in the LA Times. I'll be honest I don't really keep up with politics much, but I think it was a damn good piece with a lot of accurate points. Apparently many people are criticizing Obama, stating that he doesn't have a lot of experience. And I have to say that maybe that fact is a good thing.

Having experience would mean that he would be deeply entrenched in the way America has been doing things for the past 6-8 years. Honestly the country needs someone completely different, because I don't really think what we're doing now is working out so well.

But I'm afraid for Barack. I'm just not sure if America is ready for a Black president. While there maybe millions of Americans across the country that support him, it only takes one crazy person to bring it to an end...ask John F Kennedy. I dunno, maybe I'm just being scary, but I wonder what would be better first: a female president or a black president. A black female president would definitely be doing too much right now. Maybe if there was a female president with a black vice president then we wouldn't have to worry as much. Nobody is going to assassinate the woman so that the black man gets into office.

So maybe Hillary should run in 08 with Barack as her VP. Then after her terms in the White House, after the country is more comfortable with Barack, he could become president. We'll see how it goes, but I know one this is for sure...I can't wait for Dubya to be gone! Back to your ranch with ya!