Sunday, May 08, 2005

SChool....Is it over yet?

Will this never end?!?!?! I've been in college since the last millenium...can I leave now? I swear this mess will never end. I'm already irritated that I have to take another class over the summer and depending on how I do on my final tomorrow I may have to stay longer than that. The problem? I don't feel like doing this at all and despite the fact that I have two finals left, my brain is already at graduation, waving and kissing the babies. WTF. And of course I pick the day before my finals to decide that I want to start blogging. Anything to avoid studying for my tests. I'm really over this whole college thing and I need it to be over....NOW!!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

YAY almost over it is!!!!