Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Crimmus Time Is Here!

OK OK so I'm kinda slow, but the holiday season doesn't officially start for me until the fall semester ends...so let the good times roll!!! I need to clean my apartment though before I go home for the holidays because I will be extremely irritated if I come back in January and see my place in it's current state. But I don't feel like it!!! OK I'm just whining but I think everyone has the right to do that sometimes.

What I really need to do is figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with myself for new years. I have plenty of options but none of them are very concrete. John Legend is gonna be at the House of Blues on New Years but I don't know if I feel like giving someone $125 to see John Legend and I don't know if I have the strength for Sunset on New Years. I would have planned a trip somewhere but I was planning on being in Pasadena on January 4th. Thanks to the stupid student bowl ticket lottery (boooo on them and everyone who got tickets) I'll be watching the Rose Bowl on TV. So I really don't know what to do with myself. If anybody has any good options, or knows of any good Rose Bowl parties goin down, holla @ ya gurl. But for now I'm gonna enjoy a couple of days of doing what I do best....NOT A DAMN THING!

Side Note: I've been listening the to the homie Elle B. on her website and on myspace for about 4 days straight...she's hot fire. I WILL be claiming homie status when she blows up....so you heard it here first...Elle B. - HOT FIRE!!!

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