OK so about two weeks ago I was reading through a bunch of junk mail when I saw an email from a mailing list that I'm on for David E. Talbert. He's directed a lot of plays, my favorite being "The Fabric of a Man" which I've seen twice. Anyway, I normally delete his emails but the title caught my attention....Jaime Foxx Live. I opened the email to find a contest to win to tickets to view the taping of this TV special that David was directing for Jaime. At first I hesitated because I don't normally win sweepstakes type things. But then I realized that the first 40 people who answered his questions right would win.
Luckily the questions was based on my favorite play, The Fabric of a Man. And to make the situation even easier, the answer to the trivia question was on the soundtrack for the play that I bought the first time I saw it. So I found the CD, answered the question and then pretty much forgot about it. Then about a week ago I found out that I had won...YAY!
What I didn't know until me and the homie Bri got to the taping was that there would hundreds of other people outside trying to get in on the balconies to see the show. Thank god for being a contest winner! But the show was definitely worth waiting for, even though a lot of people didn't get in. I'm not gonna tell you everything that happened, but I will give you a rundown of the folks that showed up and performed with Jaime. How about Angie Stone, Common, The Game, Snoop, Mary J. and Stevie Wonder...yeah I said January 18th on NBC....write it down.
The show was off the hook. And then of course there were your random celebrities in the audience as well. Damian Hall was there and the DJ kept telling everyone that Aaron Hall was in the building, Damian was probably pissed. Tank was there and yes ladies he is fine as hell in person too. But he's kinda short so I prefer to continue watching him on TV. And what would an LA event be without your random B-list celebrities like MTV VJ Quddus (whom had worse seats than I did...thank god for contests) and former Real World cast member Karamo (Philadelphia).
But the show was a lot of fun and let's just say that we, black people, are a "colorful" people. There was a lot of down time during the show and there was a comedian and DJ to keep us entertained. The comedian kept bringing people on stage to sing or dance or coon (I classify "doing the Beyonce" as cooning...sorry). And some of the things that people left their house wearing is a major reason why I don't like LA.
The highlight...the girl with dreads looking like the missing member of "Da Band" getting called out by the comedian for her fashion sense. The problem is the comedian thought she was a dude....WHOOPS.
The lowlight...the big girl who decided to come on stage to "do the Beyonce" and completely embarass herself, followed by the 95 pound Latina jumping on stage while she's embarrasing herself and completely show her up. I mean it went from "Big Girls Gone Wild" to a Daddy Yankee video in .5 seconds. Look I'm all about big girls being cute, but her friends don't love her for a) letting come out the house in what she had on and b) embarrasing herself like that in front of hundreds of people including Jaime Foxx. Like Jerry Springer says...take care of yourself and each other.
But I will say that the performances were hot and Jaime Foxx's album is tight. I'm going to Best Buy on Tuesday to get his album and Mary J's new one. I suggest you do the same.

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