Monday, January 16, 2006

What the Feezy?

On random days where I don't have as much to do I have a tendency to visit websites that I haven't been to in a while. Today I happened upon and now I remember why the hell I don't usually frequent the site. What kinda madness are we promoting here black people? This is supposedly to be the go to site for black entertainment. Let me share with you some of the madness that I found:

Lil' Kim's new reality show: "Countdown to Lockdown". ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! Look I'm not mad @ her for tryna get her Martha Stewart on and make money while she's in jail but really? The show is basically just footage of everything that she did for the two weeks up until she went to jail. BET has officially run outta ideas for TV shows. This is crazy

Goldigger Quiz: Yes anyone can figure out if they know how to spot a goldigger on the street. And after you complete the quiz, you're directed to the BET dating site so that you can find your true internet love....WTF!?!?!

Flavor of Love: BET has message boards up about shows that are on other people's networks! The most retarded version of "The Bachelor" that I've ever seen has a group of women vying for the love of...Flavor Flav? Wow this is deep. I had to watch an episode just to see the madness. These women are crazy. They were really on national TV talking about how much they were feelin him while walkin around in short @$$ dresses, crying cuz they got eliminated when Flav didn't give them a clock! And BET makes it worst by putting up a message board. That's like a big @$$ banner that says "Don't watch BET, watch Vh1!" I don't care if you are all owned by the same people, at least act like competitors...humor us please.

P.S. some of the messages on this board are ridiculous. Here's my favorite:
"Another fool showin his entire u know what on tv. I liked the "Strange Love" series but felt like alot of it was staged. Who in their right mind would want that little burnt up ninja turtle? "


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