Thursday, April 06, 2006

Stop Fuckin Up the Ratio

OK so last week I was having a conversation with some of the homies about why some black women hate seeing black men date outside of their race. This sounds like a really redundant topic but for some reason everytime I have this conversation, some completely new shit comes up in the convo.

Of course my male friends in this conversation decided that just to make the women mad they would rehash some of the stale, old ass arguments that some men like to make. You know the type: "Black women are too much work", "Black women don't appreciate us" blah blah blah blah blah. We came to the decision that these women do exist. However they are in the minority, their just the most vocal of us all.

Ladies you know what I'm talking about. For every cliche that people have about black women, you have a homegirl that fits the description. And she's the most vocal, out there member of the group. She's the one out there rolling her neck, nagging her man about every little thing, treating him like he's nobody but crying her eyes out when he leaves her ass. And all she's doing is messing him up so that he thinks every black woman he dates after will be just like her. She's messin it up for the rest of us. Ladies we have to stop this....put your girl in check!

If at this point in the blog you're officially offended, then you're probably one of the people I'm talking about. It's OK, because the first step to recovery is getting over your denial. So now that we've identified the problem we can go ahead and stop it. So if you've ever found yourself acting in the ways mentioned above....stop it! You're f&#*$ it up for the rest of us!

So now that we've discovered why some black men may tire of dating black women, let's explore why black women may get upset that black men don't want to date us. Many of us grow up with the idea that we will one day find a strong black man who will love us and we will love each other, get married, have kids and create a loving black know like on the Cosby show. However if you look at the statistics, things don't look so good for us.

I once read that for every black man with a college degree, there are two black women with a college degree. One of us is just @$$ed out now aren't we? So with the ratios already not looking so great, if you are a black man dating someone who is not black and a black woman looks at you crazy, she's not necessarily mad at're just messing up the ratio! Think about this:
  • For every black man who dates a woman who isn't black, that's one less black man in the pool. That black woman eyeballing you may not necessarily be mad cuz she wants you, but now another black woman who DID want you is taking her man away. At least in this situation, if you break up with the girl, the ratio is returned to it's current state. There's still hope.
  • For every black man who dates another man, permanent damage to the ratio has been done. Not only are you messing up the ratio by removing yourself from the eligible pool, but there's a slim chance that you're coming back. Black women aren't really that mad at you for being "on the down low". We're just mad cuz you're lying and cuz you're once again fucking up the ratio.
  • For every black man dating another black man, you've royally fucked up the numbers. You've now taken two men permanently out of the equation, thoroughly screwing up our chances. Again we're not really mad at you personally, just know that you're messin it up for everyone else.

All this talk of ratios may not seem relevant in cities with large populations of black people like Atlanta or Washington DC. But for the rest of us, you understand where I'm coming from. So the the moral of the story is this....if you are dating someone because you truly find something in them that is attractive and you love being with that person, then do your thing. But please don't exclude entire races of people based on a few crazies you've encountered in your past. And please understand that if someone is looking at you crazy, it's not's the ratio...


POPS said...

how insightful

camillionz415 said...

lmao. That's my new quote..."It's not's the RATIO I'm concerned about" =)

Anonymous said...

i would say that your loud and obnoxious friend is the one who started the chain reaction that messed up the ratio. as such the girl is to blame and not the guys. in addition, it is 2006 - this means that the days of doing things the old fashioned way are out of the door. i dont expect you to be locked up in the kitchen making me meals and being my personal slave and as such on the dating side of things i dont have to be the one who initiates the conversation and asks you out. next time, ask the black dude out before he asks the non-black girl out. ... i know i know ... at this point you probably want to say that it is unlady like to make the first moves and all that blah blah blah ... you know what? i think it is unlady like to look at me crazy when i walk down the street with my non-black girlfriend.