Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Am Not My GPA

Slightly irritated in the world of job hunting. This is really starting to get old. I'm tired of companies telling me that my GPA is too low. It's not like I have a 2.1 or something. I think it's worse because most companies have this magical 3.0 GPA requirement and I'm just below that. All I can keep thinking is damn if I had dropped that one class I could have had the right GPA or man I wish I had gone to an easier school or picked an easier major. I had a company last week tell me they couldn't interview me because my undergrad GPA wasn't a 3.0! I graduated from undergrad 3 years ago! WTF...

I guess I'm thinking about it more because I've been interviewing a lot lately. I've been getting basically to the final rounds of these interviews, but people are responding after that. Like on Friday I was doing an final round interview at a certain aerospace company and the guy was like circling my GPA on my resume for five minutes telling me it was too low. If my GPA was so damn low, why did you call me in the first place. It's not like it was the first time these people had seen my grades. I knew I was in trouble when at the beginning of the day the announcement was made that the average GPA in the room was a 3.53.....ouch.

All I'm saying is don't waste my time with this madness and mess with my emotions if at the last minute you're going to pull back. Sooner or later I will find somewhere that will allow me to prove to them that my GPA is not a reflection of my intelligence and that I'm a committed person who can get things done. Otherwise I'm going to go work at Best Buy....oh wait, they said I was over qualified... :O(

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ghost Ride the Whip

On my final day in the bay, I thought it would be fitting to talk about how excited I am that Bay music is starting to get it's due all over the place. Most people think that nobody in the bay has made a hit since "I Got 5 On It" (which can still be heard almost daily on any bay area radio station), but the bottom line is the bay area hyphy movement has been in full effect for a while now. And with the release of E-40s newest album on Tuesday, people all over the country are getting a taste of what it means to be hyphy, go dumb and put ya stunna shades on yadidamean? :O)

This was confirmed today when I turned on MTV Jams (a channel I don't get in LA and will dearly miss) to find an E-40 video marathon on today. There were videos on there I didn't even know 40 had made. Did you know that Tupac was in the Player's Ball video? I didn't either, and I also just noticed Mack-10 in the background with his USC hat and t-shirt on...good lookin homie.

All this bay love will be capped off tonight with the show "My Block: The Bay" airing on MTV tonight at 11pm. Anyone who wants to check out how it goes down in the bay needs to check this out...ya smell me? Check out the article on

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Flavor Flaaaaaaaaaaaav!

OK so I knew there was something crazy about this. Why would a twenty something year old want to fight for the affection of a 46 year old burnt up ninja turtle? Why the F would Hoopz be so excited that she won Flavor of Love? She's a model, aspiring actress, whatever you want to call it. She was just smarter than the other girls and better at playing it off. Hell she deserves an Oscar for the performance she's given week after week on this crazy ass show. I should have known as soon as she hit the splits on that one episode that something wasn't right....

How do I know all of this? Take a look at this website and then you tell me with a straight face that she really loves Flav....HA! Whatever girl I can't knock your hustle, I just don't know how she could kiss him so much...just nasty. That's like kissing your dad.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring Break....

Is the greatest thing evented in life. I feel like everyone should get spring break, just because. I think that when I start working full time, I'm going to use a week of my vacation time every year in the spring so that I can continue to have spring break.

I'm not even doing anything, but I haven't gotten this much sleep since I don't know when. The bottom line is I'm sitting at home in the bay, doing things that I would normally do on any weekend. I've done all kinds of the NSBE stuff, watched TV and even done school work. But the fact that I don't have to do it if I don't want to makes it OK. I'm so relaxed right now cuz I don't have anything that I have to do and thats PHENOMENAL.

I think at some point in life I'm going to run for President of the US just so I can declare a national spring break so that everyone in America can have a week of relaxation. I think I'll also declare a national summer break and fall break. Who's with me?