Certain events serve as defining moments of a generation. Past generations all remember where they were when JFK and MLK were assasinated or where they were when the Berlin Wall fell.
It's interesting though to think of some of the moments that define our generation. Where you were on 9/11 when you heard the news? Many of us remember where we were when 2pac and Biggie died, but can't remember where we were when Rosa Parks died. Many of us, especially those in Los Angeles, know where they were when the riots broke out after the Rodney King verdict. But there is one event that most of us definitely remember.
Where were you when OJ was found not guilty?

I was in high school, and believe it or not they broadcasted the verdict over the PA system at school. Oddly enough I even remember what class I was in. Spanish 2 with Mrs. Valdivia.
It was a shot heard round the world (or at least across the nation). It was also one of the most racially charged events imaginable. Black people celebrated and white people mourned, regardless of if we really believed he did it or not. Many black people were just overjoyed that a black man was free. We all were happy and sang out "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit".
I know you're all thinking, "why in the hell is Syreeta bringing this up 10 years later." Well I was reading latimes.com when I came across this article. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-111506ojinterview,0,4959211.story?coll=la-home-headlines
In a nut shell, OJ Simpson has decided to write a book called "If I Did It" that discusses how he "hypothetically" could have committed the murders he was acquitted of. FOX will also air a two part interview about the book on Nov 27th & 29th.
Why in the hell would any innocent black man go and do some shit like this? That's like cheating on your wife or husband, having them accuse you of it, you getting them to believe that you didn't cheat and then a year later saying, "Honey you know if I had cheated on you a year ago, this is how I would have done it". WTF!!!
I still don't know, or care, if OJ really did it. But I'm so sick of him trying to find new ways to get back into the media. GO SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE!!!! If you didn't do it, don't put doubt in the minds of millions of people who had finally gotten over it by explaining how you might have done it. If you ARE guilty, why are you out telling all your business?
It's true that he can't be tried again for these murders. But guess what? If you tell everyone how you did it, and someone gets mad at you, they can come after you....STUPID. I'm sorry but I really needed to get this out because this man in CLEARLY AN IDIOT. Can't believe this man is a Trojan...